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7 Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment Dentist Lebanon IN

Root canal treatment may sound scary, but the truth is that patients experience great relief after having one done. If you’re in unbearable pain from a toothache, the best thing you can do is schedule an appointment with our dentist in Lebanon, IN. During your visit, Dr. Lee will diagnose the source of your pain and recommend a course of action.

If you have an infected tooth, you may be a candidate for the root canal procedure. Root canal therapy carries many benefits, which we’ll discuss in more detail below.

1. Pain Relief

One of the primary reasons people seek root canal treatment is to alleviate the intense pain associated with an infected or damaged tooth. During the procedure, Dr. Lee removes the inflamed or infected pulp inside the tooth, relieving the pain that patients often experience. This can bring immediate and significant relief, allowing patients to regain control over their oral health.

2. Preservation of Natural Tooth

Root canal therapy is geared towards saving the natural tooth rather than opting for extraction. Preserving the natural tooth is crucial for maintaining oral functionality and aesthetics. A restored natural tooth ensures better chewing ability, speech, and prevents neighboring teeth from shifting, maintaining the overall structure of the mouth.

3. Improved Oral Health

Beyond pain relief, an emergency root canal contributes to improved oral health. By removing infected pulp and thoroughly cleaning the root canal system, the procedure prevents the spread of infection to surrounding tissues and other teeth. This helps in preventing more extensive dental issues that could arise if the infection is left untreated.

4. Efficient and Time-Saving

Root canal procedures are typically efficient and require fewer visits compared to alternative treatments. Thanks to advancements in dental technology and techniques, Dr. Lee can often complete the root canal treatment in a single or a few sessions. This time efficiency is beneficial for patients who want to minimize their time spent in the dental chair.

5. Minimal Discomfort During the Procedure

Contrary to common misconceptions, modern root canal procedures are relatively comfortable for patients. Dr. Lee uses local anesthesia to numb the area, ensuring that patients feel minimal discomfort during the treatment. Additionally, advancements in dental techniques have made the procedure quicker and less invasive, contributing to a more comfortable experience for anxious patients.

6. Cosmetic Restoration

After the root canal is completed, the tooth is typically restored with a porcelain dental crown. This cosmetic aspect not only improves the appearance of the treated tooth but also ensures its functionality. The crown is designed to match the natural color and shape of the tooth, providing a seamless and aesthetically pleasing result.

7. Long-Term Solution

Root canal treatment offers a long-term solution to dental issues. Once the infected pulp is removed, and the tooth is properly restored, patients can expect the treated tooth to function normally for many years. This long-term benefit makes root canal therapy a sustainable and reliable option for individuals seeking a lasting solution to their dental problems.

Schedule an Appointment with Dr. Lee

Dr. Dwight B. Lee is proud to serve as your trusted dentist in Lebanon, IN. To schedule an emergency appointment, please call (765) 482-2400. For non-emergencies, you may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon to discuss your next steps.